
Chairman Message

When i served as the Chairman for Telangana Football Association, i realized how immensely popular football had become in our state and our country. However, I felt that we lacked facilities of international standards to nurture, coach and develop our tremendous talent. for that reason, the Sreenidi Deccan Football Club was conceived as a forum to provide support and coaching to promising athletes. The club will foster an institutional environment where good footballers will be turned into great ones, and hopefully assist in producing the building blocks of an internationally competitive national football team. we are committed to working with existing institutions such as the AIFF to ensure that we are part of india’s emerging success as a footballing nation.

Sreenidi Deccan Football Club is a unique initiative that aims to help indian football achieve its potential and come of age in the global football scene. My experiences as an educator who has worked with students of all ages and abilities have been very useful in conceiving and implementing the goals of this Club. I am attempting to combine the aims of education with those of sports. We will ensure that members of the club will be supported both as students and as players. 

They will be assisted by an international team of coaches, nutritionists, fitness experts, physiotherapists and psychologists to ensure holistic development as well as football skills. in doing so, we will be guided by our values that ensure that the wellbeing of our members will be placed front and center. We measure our success not just by the footballing excellence of our members, but by their overall development as good students and citizens who play the game with flair but with sporting spirit as well!

Dr. K. T. Mahhe / Chairman

Sreenidhi Educational Group